Strategic Risk Battling in the Construction Industry

War Plans for Combating Construction Industry Risk

Risk appetite of construction industry has been deemed at a higher level than most of the other industries, due to the complexities arising from project technicalities, and management structuring on a cost effective manner. Due to the euphoria existing at the initial time period from the award of the project, thenecessary due diligence on risk management strategies from thevery onset of a project is overseen. Focus gets driven to the Project execution process, rather than the project administrative oversight covering deeper and broader perspective.

Construction is getting hit due to various factors like fraud and lack of controls leading to cost escalations, revenue losses, over utilization of resources, wastages, lower productivity, penalties due to extension of time, etc. However, lack of capability for establishing appropriate risk management strategies, building the necessary infrastructure for the same, and lack of management responsiveness to the risk escalations have drawn the industry into deeper turmoil even with the higher risk appetite prevalent in the industry.

Research on Frauds in Construction

In a recent report from a research published by the Association of Certified Frauds Examiners, USA, the impact of frauds in various industries were studied. Construction Industry stood on a critical level as susceptible to various fraud schemes at considerable median value loss from frauds. (Please refer to the Report to the Nations, 2018 Version from ACFE-Download is available on This report reveals that construction industry stands susceptible to almost all fraud schemes and holds the fifth largest value in fraud loss terms globally. A specific section in also available for the Middle East territory in this report (Government Version).

Strategy for Risk Containment

Synergic strategies for prevention, detection, and correction of expenditure overload, revenue loss, Low productivity and fraudulent practices needs to be implanted into the core structure of the organization. The following structured methodology may be considered for meeting the required norms for establishing the same:

Specialized Construction Audit

Specialization required for Construction Industry Risk Audit requires a detailed understanding of various aspects of Construction activities. These include Technical considerations, Procurement, Cost containment, Optimal Resource allocation disrupts, Fraud hotline Management process, Process control review, Accounting and Reporting Support Capabilities, and Gaps in IT support systems.

Vital Role for Risk Consultants

Risk Consultants play a vital role in establishing the infrastructure for the Construction Industry. They have made remarkable achievements in cost cutting, detection of revenue identification failures, fraud detection, prevention, and providing for corrective measures in such areas. The approach required to meet with the infrastructural applications has been duly explored by a few of them to provide value added services to the organizations in this industry. The prudent use of such Risk consultants could go a long way in supporting the organizations war to combat the risk prevalent in this industry.

Contact us for an Initial Risk Assessment.